Δημοσιευτηκε - 06/01/2012 : 20:53:26 Hi!
I live in Vrilissia and I am an amateur runner. I'd like to do a 5K and 10K races. Does anyone know of a race that will be run here in Athens this year? is there any kind of "amateur league" here? to race more regulary :)
Thanks! |
10 ΤΕΛΕΥΤΑΙΕΣ ΑΠΑΝΤΗΣΕΙΣ (Πρώτα η πιο πρόσφατη) |
Posted - 08/01/2012 : 19:41:44 I uderstood exactly that, its open but its not fun |
Posted - 08/01/2012 : 01:56:05 Most races take place in autumn and spring. This period of the year is "dead". Only one is going to take place. I am not sure what you have understood about SEGAS, so I will repeat that are open to everyone, but since champion athletes participate, runners like us do not enjoy. So we usually prefer other races. But if you want, you can run. But believe me you are not going to enjoy.
Posted - 08/01/2012 : 01:38:45 i understood part about SEGAS.
so there will be more since february? thats great news :)
thank you very much |
Posted - 08/01/2012 : 01:32:09 In all the races that are announced in the left column. There are not many this period, but there will be an increase from February. I would like to make clear that you can participate in SEGAS RUNS, there is no prohibition, but you are not going to enjoy them.
Posted - 08/01/2012 : 01:13:27 so, where could ordinary runners like us participate on regular basis? |
Posted - 08/01/2012 : 00:40:50 Yes. Segas runs are open to everyone. But ordinary runners like us are the minority to that races and we do not use to participate.
Posted - 08/01/2012 : 00:27:57 Thanks everyone :)
My wife is translating greek for me :) Mornings i try to run with my dogs :) but thanks for the invitation.
thank you for the link,
what are those SEGAS runs? can anyone join them?
elekout |
Posted - 07/01/2012 : 11:44:49 Hi Gazda and welcome to the forum! There is a 10K race taking place in Athens next Sunday. For more information click on the following link http://www.runningnews.gr/?id=10012&parent=home. Last day of applying is this Monday the 9th. For other races, you need to refer to the link provided by the fella above. Hope this helps. Should you need any further help, please give us a shout. |
roxani |
Posted - 07/01/2012 : 07:49:05 Eλπίζω να καταλαβαίνεις ελληνικά .Και εγώ μένω Βριλήσσια και κάνω προπονήσεις κάθε μέρα στο γήπεδο Χαλανδρίου γύρω στις 7.30.Άν θέλεις είσαι ευπρόσδεκτος-η,όσο για τους αγώνες το link είναι άκρως κατατοπιστικό.Θα χαρούμε να σε γνωρίσουμε .
Δέν υπάρχουν μοναδικές ευκαιρίες,η ζωή μας δίνει πάντοτε και άλλες. |
Posted - 06/01/2012 : 21:03:48 see the following link
and search for races in Athens.
In case you do not know Greek, please let me know to help you. |