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Senior Forum-Runner

579 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύτηκε - 31/10/2012 :  20:00:35  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Φιλοι μου δρομεις θα ηθελα να μου γραψετε καποιο αποφθεγμα-γνωμικο σχετικα παντα με το αγαπημενο μας αθλημα.Τα χρειαζομαι για ενα project.Ευχαριστω πολυ!

Elite Forum-Runner

1234 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 31/10/2012 :  21:24:53  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Μα το προφανές (παραφράζοντας τον Descartes):
Curro, Ergo Sum
Τρέχω άρα υπάρχω!!

Αν είσαι φίλος της Μουσικής (Κλασσική, Jazz, Rock κλπ) πρέπει να επισκεφθείς τη Μουσική Κατηγορία του AvClub

Edited by - Skakinen on 31/10/2012 21:28:39
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11938 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 31/10/2012 :  21:29:18  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
ολα ειναι σχετικα αρα κι ανεκτα...παει με αποστασεις,κουραση,επιδοσεις, στοχους,αγωνες...

Όλα είναι σχετικά, άρα κι ανεκτά...
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joker is job
Senior Forum-Runner

499 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 31/10/2012 :  21:33:06  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Σε καθε προσπάθεια που κρύβει δυσκολίες και κόπο, παντα φερνω στο
μυαλό μου την συμβουλή που μου θυμίζει πως η αρχη είναι το ήμισυ του
"ακομα και ένα ταξίδι 1000 μιλίων αρχίζει με ένα απλό βήμα"

..ταιριάζει απόλυτα και στον δρομέα που σκέφτεται με δυσφορία το πρωινό ξύπνημα στις 6:00 για το long run, ή δυσανασχετεί για την επίπονη προετοιμασία που τον περιμένει εως τον μαραθώνιο..
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Master Forum-Runner


8812 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 31/10/2012 :  21:59:26  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Ability is what you are capable of doing.
Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it.
--Lou Holtz

"Αν νομίζεις ότι τα έχεις όλα υπό έλεγχο, τότε δεν τρέχεις αρκετά γρήγορα"
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Master Forum-Runner

3240 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 31/10/2012 :  22:25:45  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Enjoy every step...

Life is full of surprises
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Master Forum-Runner

6557 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 31/10/2012 :  22:33:17  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Αποφθέγματα οι δρομείς του φόρουμ
έχουν γράψει σε ανύποπτο χρόνο αρκετά
Δικά τους ή αλλωνών

Ένα το έχει σε κάθε δημοσίευση ο Νικόλαος

''Αν νομίζεις ότι τα έχεις όλα υπό έλεγχο,τότε δεν τρέχεις αρκετά γρήγορα''

Το project τι είναι;

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Nick F
Master Forum-Runner


2942 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 31/10/2012 :  22:52:39  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Today's record is tomorrow's motivation...!!!

Women Should Come With Instructions...
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Master Forum-Runner

6557 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 31/10/2012 :  23:05:45  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Η γλυκύτητα που θα αισθανθείς
από μια μεγάλη επίδοση
είναι απείρως μεγαλύτερη
από όλα τα γλυκά που θα στερηθείς
σε όλη την προετοιμασία
εκτός του ότι θα διαρκέσει μια ζωή
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Elite Forum-Runner

1494 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 31/10/2012 :  23:09:48  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Marathon Quotes

The marathon is not really about the marathon, it's about the shared struggle. And it's not only the marathon, but the training.
- Bill Buffum

The marathon's about being in contention over the last 10K. That's when it's about what you have in your core. You have run all the strength, all the superficial fitness out of yourself, and it really comes down to what's left inside you. To be able to draw deep and pull something out of yourself is one of the most tremendous things about the marathon.
- Rob de Castella, 1983 World Marathon Championships Winner

"If you feel bad at 10 miles, you're in trouble. If you feel bad at 20 miles, you're normal. If you don't feel bad at 26 miles, you're abnormal."
- Rob de Castella

You're running on guts. On fumes. Your muscles twitch. You throw up. You're delirious. But you keep running because there's no way out of this hell you're in, because there's no way you're not crossing the finish line. It's a misery that non-runners don't understand.
- Martine Costello

It is difficult to train for a marathon; but it is even more difficult to not be able to train for a marathon.
- Aaron Douglas Trimble (spoken like a true runner!)

To describe the agony of a marathon to someone who's never run it is like trying to explain color to someone who was born blind.
- Jerome Drayton

Marathoning is like cutting yourself unexpectedly. You dip into the pain so gradually that the damage is done before you are aware of it. Unfortunately, when awareness comes, it is excruciating.
- John Farrington

"The body does not want you to do this. As you run, it tells you to stop but the mind must be strong. You always go too far for your body. You must handle the pain with strategy...It is not age; it is not diet. It is the will to succeed."
- Jacqueline Gareau, 1980 Boston Marathon Winner

I thought about how many preconceived prejudices would crumble when I trotted right along for 26 miles.
- Bobbi Gibb, first woman to finish the Boston Marathon, 1966

I want to run every race with a big heart
- Ryan Hall

"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement. It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible."
- John Hanc

No marathon gets easier later. The half way point only marks the end of the beginning.
- Joe Henderson

The difference between the mile and the marathon is the difference between burning your fingers with a match and being slowly roasted over hot coals.
- Hal Higdon

At the two-thirds mark, I think of those who are still with me. Who might make a break? Should I? Then I give it all I've got.
- Ibrahim Hussein

"The will to win means nothing if you haven't the will to prepare."
- Juma Ikangaa, 1989 NYC Marathon winner

I just run as hard as I can for 20 miles, and then race.
- Steve Jones

Marathon running is a terrible experience: monotonous, heavy, and exhausting.
- Veikko Karvonen 1954 European and Boston Marathon Champ

We runners are all a little nutty, but we're good people who just want to enjoy our healthy, primitive challenge. Others may not understand running, but we do, and we cherish it. That's our only message.
- John J. Kelley

"The marathon is a charismatic event. It has everything. It has drama. It has competition. It has camaraderie. It has heroism. Every jogger can't dream of being an Olympic champion, but he can dream of finishing a marathon."
- Fred Lebow, New York City Marathon co-founder:

Concentrate on small segments of your race at a time. For example, rather than obsessing about the distance that remains, simply complete the next mile in good form...try another, then another, until the race is done.
- Jerry Lynch

Anyone can run 20 miles. It's the next six that count.
- Barry Magee

I felt like I played in a very rough football game with no hitting above the waist.
- Alan Page, Former Professional Football Player

I definitely want to show how beautiful the marathon can be. I am the opponent of all those who find the marathon bad: the psychologists, the physiologists, the doubters. I make the marathon beatiful for myself and for others. That's why I'm here.
- Uta Pippig

Around mile 20 I was feeling so good, I wanted to kiss everyone.
- Josh Ritter

The starting line of the New York City marathon is kind of a giant time bomb behind you about to go off. It is the most spectacular start in sport.
- Bill Rodgers

The marathon can humble you.
- Bill Rodgers

Aiming for the marathon is a task of sorts which can include terrific highs and lows.
- Bill Rodgers

The marathon is like a bullfight. There are two ways to kill a bull, for instance. There is the easy way, for one. But all the great matadors end up either dead or mauled because for them killing the bull is not nearly as important as how they kill the bull. They always approach the bull at the greatest risk to themselves, and I admire that. In the marathon, likewise, there are two ways to win. There's the easy way if all you care about is winning. You hang back and risk nothing. Then kick and try to nip the leaders at the end. Or you can push, challenge the others, make it an exciting race, risking everything. Maybe you lose, but as for me, I'd rather run a gutsy race, pushing all the way and lose, then run a conservative, easy race only for a win.
- Alberto Salazar

Of all the races, there is no better stage for heroism than a marathon.
- George Sheehan

You have to forget your last marathon before you try another. Your mind can't know what's coming.
- Frank Shorter

Why couldn't Pheidippides have died here?
- Frank Shorter's comment to Kenny Moore at the 16-mile mark in one of Shorter's first marathons

You can actually suffer a little bit more going slowly than when you're going really fast. A faster marathon might even be easier than a slow one, in terms of what it takes out of you mentally.
- Frank Shorter

"There is the truth about the marathon and very few of you have written the truth. Even if I explain to you, you'll never understand it, you're outside of it."
- Douglas Wakiihuri speaking to reporters who have never run a marathon

Men, today we die a little.
- Emil Zatopek at the start of the 1956 Olympic Marathon

We are different, in essence, from other men. If you want to win something, run 100 meters. If you want to experience something, run a marathon.
- Emil Zatopek

I was unable to walk for a whole week after that, so much did the race take out of me. But it was the most pleasant exhaustion I have ever known.
- Emil Zatopek

Marathon runners with bad shoes suffer the agony of de feet.
- Unknown

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Elite Forum-Runner

1494 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 31/10/2012 :  23:17:47  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Sir Roger Bannister

Apres moi le deluge ("After me the flood")- said after running history's first sub 4-minute mile

The mile has all the elements of drama

If a man coaches himself, then he has only himself to blame when he is beaten.

No one can say, 'You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.' The human spirit is indomitable.

The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win.

Sport is not about being wrapped up in cotton wool. Sport is about adapting to the unexpected and being able to modify plans at the last minute. Sport, like all life, is about taking risks.

Bill Bowerman

There is no such thing as bad weather, just soft people.

Running, one might say, is basically an absurd pastime upon which to be exhausting ourselves. But if you can find meaning in the type of running you need to do ... chances are you'll be able to find meaning in that other absurd pastime - LIFE.

Winning is nice, but you savor that victory for an evening and it's gone. Competing well is just not to be equated with winning. God determines how fast you're going to run; I can help only with the mechanics.

The real purpose of running isn't to win a race; it's to test the limits of the human heart.A teacher is never too smart to learn from his pupils. But while runners differ, basic principles never change. So it's a matter of fitting your current practices to fit the event and the individual. See, what's good for you might not be worth a darn for the next guy.

Peter Coe

The thinking must be done first, before training begins.

Sebastian Coe

The great thing about athletics is that it's like poker, sometimes you know what's in your hand and it may be a load of rubbish, but you've got to keep up the front.

Blink and you miss a sprint. The 10,000 meters is lap after lap of waiting. Theatrically, the mile is just the right length: beginning, middle, end, a story unfolding.

The nine inches right here; set it straight and you can beat anybody in the world. - said while pointing to his head

World records are only borrowed.

Percy Cerutty

Thrust against pain. Pain is the purifier.

Running: running: hear the beat!
Busting lungs and pounding feet.
Straining: gaining: 'til your done:
Or you have the race well-won.
Racing: Pacing: rather die:
Than give up or let them by.

Arthur Lydiard

The idea that you can't lose contact with the leaders has cut more throats than it has saved.

You must realize one thing. In every little village in the world there are great potential champions who only need motivation, development and good exercise evaluation.Well, no athlete respects a big, fat coach who's going to stand there and rest the watch on his stomach.

Bill Mills

Every passion has its destiny.

The ultimate is not to win, but to reach within the depths of your capabilities and to compete against yourself to the greatest extent possible. When you do that, you have dignity. You have the pride. You can walk about with character and pride no matter in what place you happen to finish.

I was constantly told and challenged to live my life as a warrior. As a warrior, you assume responsibility for yourself. The warrior humbles himself. And the warrior learns the power of giving.

God has given me the ability. The rest is up to me.
Believe. Believe. Believe...

Jesse Owens

We all have dreams. In order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort.

I always loved running... it was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs.

Friendships are born on the field of athletic strife and the real gold of competition. Awards become corroded, friends gather no dust.

One chance is all you need.

Bill Rodgers

To be a consistant winner means preparing not just one day, one month, or even one year - but for a lifetime.

The starting line of the New York City marathon is kind of a giant time bomb behind you about to go off. It is the most spectacular start in sport.

The marathon can humble you.

If you want to win a race you have to go a little berserk.

My whole feeling in terms of racing is that you have to be very bold. You sometimes have to be aggressive and gamble.

Steve Prefontaine

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.

Some people create with words, or with music, or with a brush and paints. I like to make something beautiful when I run. I like to make people stop and say, "I've never seen anyone run like that before." It's more then just a race, it's a style. It's doing something better then anyone else. It's being creative.

Life’s battles don't always go to the strongest or fastest man, But sooner or later the man who wins is the fellow who thinks he can.

Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.

You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back.

A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.

Life’s battles don't always go to the strongest or fastest man, But sooner or later the man who wins is the fellow who thinks he can.

Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.

You have to wonder at times what you're doing out there. Over the years, I've given myself a thousand reasons to keep running, but it always comes back to where it started. It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of achievement.

A lot of people run a race to see who is fastest. I run to see who has the most guts, who can punish himself into exhausting pace, and then at the end, punish himself even more. Nobody is going to win a 5,000 meter race after running an easy 2 miles. Not with me. If I loose forcing the pace all the way, well, at least I can live with myself.

Someone may beat me, but they will have to bleed to do it.

Having a true faith is the most difficult thing in the world. Many will try to take it from you.

Frank Shorter
Hills are speed work in disguise.

The more consistent you are in your training, the less you must rely on a perfect training run every day.

Good health is a phase you pass through on the way to racing fitness.

You have to forget your last marathon before you try another. Your mind can't know what's coming.

Why couldn't Pheidippides have died here?
- Frank Shorter's comment to Kenny Moore at the 16-mile mark in one of Shorter's first marathons

You can actually suffer a little bit more going slowly than when you're going really fast. A faster marathon might even be easier than a slow one, in terms of what it takes out of you mentally.

Juha Vaatainen

Stadiums are for spectators. We runners have nature and that is much better.

Top results are reached only through pain. But eventually you like this pain. You'll find the more difficulties you have on the way, the more you will enjoy your success

Emil Zatopek

Men, today we die a little. - at the start of the 1956 Olympic Marathon

It's at the borders of pain and suffering that the men are separated from the boys.

For the first three, gold, silver, bronze medals. For Emil, only potato! - before he made his move in a race.

Running Quotes from Advertisements

It's rude to count people as you pass them. Out loud. - Adidas

The clock isn't slower; you're just faster.- Adidas

A run begins the moment you forget you are running. - Adidas

You have a choice. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off of your face.- Gatorade

Just do it.- Nike

There is no finish line. - Nike

There are clubs you can’t belong to, neighborhoods you can’t live in, schools you can’t get into, but the roads are always open. - Nike

Runs end. Running doesn't. - Nike
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Master Forum-Runner

6557 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 31/10/2012 :  23:27:46  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Oh!Thanks Patentas!Enerything is beautiful!

Tim Kats
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Senior Forum-Runner

579 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 01/11/2012 :  08:05:32  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Φιλοι μου καλοι σας ευχαριστω παρα παρα πολυ.Ολα ειναι τοσο ομορφα!!!!
Να στε καλα και καλη επιτυχια στους στοχους σας.Τιμο το project αφορα ενα βιντεακι καθως τρεχω.Θα το επιμεληθει φιλος φωτογραφος και ηθελε μερικα γωνμικα για να το ολοκληρωσει.Οταν το φτιαξει θα το ανεβασω εδω για να δειτε μερος της προετοιμασιας μου.Ενταξει,μπορει να ακουγεται ψωνιστικο αλλα ποιος απο μας δεν εχει το ψωνιο του,με την καλη παντα εννοια.Καλημερα!
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Master Forum-Runner

6557 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 01/11/2012 :  11:16:06  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Είναι πολύ ωραία ιδέα!
Αν μπορούσα θα το έκανα κι εγώ!
Και δεν είναι εγωιστικό
Αλλοιώς δεν θα κρατάγαμε φωτογραφίες
μετάλλια διπλώματα και λοιπά
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208 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 01/11/2012 :  12:28:05  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Επίσης ο Haruki Murakami, πολύ γνωστός συγγραφέας και δρομέας, στο πολύ καλό βιβλίο του What I Talk About When I Talk About Running γράφει “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.”
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Senior Forum-Runner

579 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 01/11/2012 :  19:50:51  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Τιμο μπορεις ευκολα να το κανεις.Βρισκεις εναν φωτογραφο και του εξηγεις τι θες.Ερχεται στο γηπεδο με μηχανες,καμερες κλπ και ολα καλα.Σαν να καταγραφει εναν γαμο ας πουμε..αν ειναι και φιλος θα σου βγει και δωρεαν..χεχε!!!
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