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Newbie Forum Runner

4 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύτηκε - 15/08/2012 :  15:54:55  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
I am from Taiwan and will visit Greece next month. I plan to run from Marathon to Athens (or vise versa) by myself. I might stay in Marathon overnight, run to Athens and then take bus back to Marathon. I prefer to stay a hotel near the starting point of the classical marathon. But I only found hotels near the coast. I believe many people have run the same course. Any suggestions? Is public transportation between the two places convenient?


96 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 15/08/2012 :  16:37:38  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Hi Triboulder! Welcome to Greece! I admire you for being so brave

Sounds like a cool idea, but I am afraid the infrastructure for running by yourself is less than ideal: There is traffic, and the pedestrian sideway does not go safely all the way to Athens. In other words, I personally think it is dangerous. That said, I have read that many people do their long runs or race simulations there! Perhaps you could find someone from this community to run together? Hopefully someone will write back!

Also, if your schedule allows, perhaps you could plan to run the Athens Classic Marathon?

In any case, it is easy to go from Athens to Marathon by public transportation: There are buses every 30 minutes from downtown Athens Mavrommateon street, Pedion Areos) to Marathon. I think it takes about an hour to get there (so there is no need to spend the night there, I think).
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11939 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 15/08/2012 :  17:06:41  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
dear friend,

i understand your need to do the marathon race by yourself.but as diramira said it is very dangerous since you have to run in a very busy avenue with heavy i would suggest you run the race on the 11/11/2012 for your own safety...enjoy your stay and running sessions..

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Newbie Forum Runner

4 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 15/08/2012 :  17:28:26  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Thanks for the prompt replies. I will stay in Athens only for two nights in this trip. Maybe next time I can visit the city in the right time of 'Athens classic marathon'. How about running from Athens to Marathon? Due to jet lag, I will certainly wake up early. I can start running, say, at 4:00 in the morning. There will be less traffic. But maybe drivers would drive fast in early morning, so it becomes more dangerous. If it is the case, I would give up the idea of running in this trip and try to attend an official game next time.
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96 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 15/08/2012 :  17:49:17  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
In my opinion, you should run the classic route on a formal occasion, when you will definitely enjoy it! You are right, even if you start your run at 04:00, there is still traffic. Also, what is the point of running if you have to be focused and alert and ready to dive in the bushes

But, if you want to get a feeling of ancient Greece and do your running workout at the same time, perhaps you could run along the beach to Cape Sounio? Just a suggestion that comes in mind. A beautiful night run, a stop at Sounio and then a night swim. Just perfect :-)
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Elite Forum-Runner


1605 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 15/08/2012 :  18:07:32  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Visit Spartiatis Προσωπική Σελίδα  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Triboulder congrats for your decision, have you running regularly ? The classic ,original distance is difficult with a lot of uphill running, I believe the problem will not be the cars, such as with the economic crisis there are not a lot out in the streets but the support , water stations, isotonic drinks...etc, if you can solve this issue with waistband supplies or something similar give it a Socrates said it is better to regret for something you did than rather for something you didn t!

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joker is job
Senior Forum-Runner

499 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 15/08/2012 :  18:59:10  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Whatever you decide to do, I wish you have a good time!!
In any case, we will be happy in this forum to hear your
impressions from your trip to Greece..

Edited by - joker is job on 15/08/2012 18:59:56
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Newbie Forum Runner

4 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 16/08/2012 :  12:46:49  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Thanks again for the suggestions. It seems that running along the beach to Cape Sounio is also a good idea. Any suggestions where can I start running? maybe some village where bus stops? With a triathlon suite, I can still have fun on swimming after running. Night run and swim may be not suitable for me, since I need to go back to hotel (probably in Athens). Final decision on my running path (`Athens to Marathon' or `somewhere to Cape Sounio') will be made upon arrival Athens. I will prepare well for the running, such as enough energy gels and a big hydration pack.

I am a regular runner (but not in a good condition due to an ankle disorder).
I believe I will have fun in Greece. Marathon races are popular in Taiwan in recent years. One of the best courses is in Taroko gorge, where one gains about 400m in the race with magnificent views. I wish you can come to Taiwan someday to enjoy it.
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Advanced Forum-Runner


301 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 16/08/2012 :  12:50:16  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Hi triboulder,

You can inform the forum of the exact date you are planning to come in Athens. Perhaps there will be one or more runners interested to run with you starting in early the morning. Who knows? Best day is Sunday.

You'll never alone
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Master Forum-Runner


4808 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 16/08/2012 :  15:03:16  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Hi to everyone. I believe the best time to start a 42,2km run is at 5:30 on Sunday morning. Since you have the chance you should try the original historical course from Marathon to Athens. If you inform the forum about the exact time of your run, you should find company too!
I hope you have a nice trip!
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Newbie Forum Runner

4 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 17/08/2012 :  15:22:02  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
I will arrive Athens on Sep. 16 (Sunday) and leave on Sep. 18 (Tuesday). Therefore, the only date available for a long distance run is on Monday. I guess it is inconvenient for most people to run on a weekday. I appreciate anyone willing to run with me. But I have to confess that I am a slow runner. I might not be able to keep pace with you. I have attended five times marathon races with a record just a little less than five hours. I enjoy running (and other sports) even though I do not run fast. On Sep 17, if you see an oriental man running on your way to work, whether on a busy street or on a beautiful coast, that's probably me. Please say `go go go! allez allez allez! '.
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11939 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 17/08/2012 :  21:43:58  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
good luck my friend

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Senior Forum-Runner


618 Δημοσιεύσεις

Δημοσιεύθηκε - 18/08/2012 :  12:57:47  Εμφάνιση Προφίλ  Απάντηση σε αποστρόφους
Hi triboulder. Congrats on your decision.
I would say you should start with the first daylight because the route isn't in the city(a lot of country running) and everything else will come naturally.
Of course you shouldn't expect to do a fast marathon due to the reasons mentioned before (uphill running, traffic, no stops etc) but you'll be happy to complete the route where it all begun.

Welcome to Greece :)

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